Prices of goatlings on the markets for month september from 18.09.2023 to 24.09.2023
offer on the markets in Serbia | Price on the market
Select week:
Price on the market:
price-markets | weight | breed | Obrenovac | Čačak | Kragujevac | Kraljevo | Loznica | Niš | Pirot | požarevac | Smederevo | Vranje | zaječar | Leskovac | Šabac | užice | Kikinda | Novi Sad | pančevo | Sombor | Sremska Mitrovica | Subotica | Zrenjanin |
Goatlings |
all weights
all breeds
3.41 €
2.56 €
2.64 €
Izvor: Stips
Izvor: Korisnici
Prices in slaughterhouses:
Prices - slaughterhouses | weight | breed | Belgrade | Braničevski | Mačvanski LO | Mačvanski ŠA | Nišavski | Podunavski | Pirotski | Raški | Zaječarski | Moravički | šumadijski | Jablanički | Zlatiborski | Južno-bački | Južno-banatski | Severno-bački | Srednje-banatski | Sremski |
Goatlings |
all weights
all breeds
0.85 €
Izvor: Stips
Izvor: Korisnici